Saturday, February 2, 2013


I also sorta like the original draft so for giggles putting it up, too...


  1. I love both of them, and would love it even more if the wounded victim were to rise up and run his weapon through the guts of the proud victor as he enjoys his victory. Something very sensual about that! Thanks for a great one.

  2. Amazing what a difference a background can make.
    First pic wins by a mile as far as I'm concerned.
    Both great though, thanks.

  3. I love the exaggerated poses of the winners (they look like they just won the world cup *lol*) and also the body language of the losers which undoubtedly says they were hit badly in the gut and won't survive those gut wounds. They are strong warriors, they are still on their feet and holding their guts - but there are only moments left before they will be writhing on the ground in agony. And they know it, their faces say it all, they can't believe this happened to them.
    The biggest drawback here, imho, is that they spit blood. This is absolutely unrealistic even with massive abdominal injuries!
